


There are a alot of pics here, please wait for them all to download.

One of many Beer Gardens.

A german soccer field, those little stones could hurt if you fall.

The Alps.

A building done in Garmish, most buildings look like this., made out of clay.

This i believe was a church.

Some more of the Alps.

Mom and I resting.

A veiw from the back of our hotel.

Another picture of that view.

A pic of our hotel.

Pic from our balcony from my own little room. Yes i had my own room.

Another pic of our hotel.

One more pic of that hotel.

More mountians.

Garmish home of the Winter Olympics in I think it was 84, 86, or 88 on or the others.

Here you can see the Ski jumps they had set up for the olympics.

Here is a bank in the town of Garmish.