
There are a alot of pics here, please wait for them all to download.

In the background you can see this huge fort. Well of course there is no straight road to it.

Ok, remeber that road, well about 45 mins later we got there. You can see that road in the far distance.

A top this gigantic structure looking over the town.

Here we are at the entrance. That may not look like a long ways, but let me tell you, that was a hike!

Resting spot when u get to the top.

Ok, we walked into this place and you could smell blood and anticeptic. They spray this stuff into the air so you get a full affect like you where there when it was undersiege.

Of course this place smelt like the bread they baked in this huge oven. This fort only had 2 ovens and it fed 100's of people, that tells you how big it has to be.

That woman was carrying around this little dog in this pouch during our tour. This hole time the dog didn't bark or anything. Since we never saw a thing like it before we had to ask this lady if she minded if we took her picture. (That was fun, she spoke french, we don't)